Ancon Medical NBT Disease Screening Offers Benefits at All Levels

  • Ancon Medical Inc., a prominent American medical device manufacturer, has introduced a groundbreaking breath screening technology known as Nanoparticle Biomarker Tagging (NBT). This innovative technology holds immense potential, as it facilitates the early detection of indicators for deadly and dangerous diseases. NBT’s applications span a wide spectrum, from conducting mass screenings for diseases like Ebola and Tuberculosis in remote locations to the straightforward testing of conditions such as Lung Cancer at local healthcare facilities.
  • Ancon Medical’s NBT technology presents healthcare providers with a versatile disease screening device characterized by several remarkable features. These include unparalleled sensitivity, portability, ease of use, and rapid results. Of paramount importance, NBT operates by analyzing exhaled breath, rendering the procedure simple and non-invasive, thus making this technology accessible to a much broader population.
  • “No matter the disease, an early diagnosis provides medical professionals with the advantage of initiating treatment, isolation, and prevention. This distinction can be measured in terms of improved treatment, reduced costs, and, most importantly, saved lives,” emphasized Wesley Baker, President of Ancon Medical. “With NBT, Ancon Medical equips doctors, healthcare providers, aid workers, and even volunteers with the head start they need to commence life-saving treatment.”
  • NBT’s mechanism involves the detection of biomarkers in exhaled breath, and its capability to identify these DNA-protein controlled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at lower concentrations surpasses that of similar breath screening technologies. Trials conducted at the UK’s Boulby Underground Laboratory demonstrated that NBT technology can detect biomarkers at levels as low as one ion in 10,000 cubic centimeters, establishing an unprecedented level of sensitivity for pinpointing a single biomarker molecule.
  • Biomarkers essentially serve as the chemical “signature” of diseases, and researchers have already identified biomarkers for over 400 diseases, including butylated hydroxytoluene, which indicates the presence of lung cancer.
  • Lung cancer, notorious for its low survival rate, stands as a prime candidate for improvement with technology like Ancon Medical’s NBT device. Currently, diagnosing lung cancer requires an expensive and invasive CT scan. However, NBT technology can potentially detect the lung cancer biomarker at an earlier stage, thereby expanding its application to a much larger population of individuals at risk.
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  • “Studies show that 57 percent of patients can survive longer than five years if Lung Cancer treatment is initiated early. Otherwise, the survival rate is only nine percent,” Baker emphasized. “But NBT can identify the biomarker early enough to initiate treatment, illustrating the immense potential health benefits of our developed technology at Ancon Medical.”
  • NBT stands as a potent screening tool for various diseases, particularly infectious ones that can rapidly spread in underdeveloped countries. In the case of Ebola, NBT exhibits the sensitivity to detect the virus within 24 to 72 hours of exposure, even before an infected individual manifests symptoms of the disease.
  • NBT can already detect tuberculosis (TB) in a laboratory environment, which is one of the leading causes of death globally, mainly due to the fact that diagnosis typically necessitates blood tests and chest x-rays, causing it to often go undetected until it reaches advanced stages.
  • “Ancon Medical’s NBT device can transform the narrative surrounding TB, Ebola, and numerous diseases that inflict needless suffering on the underprivileged,” Baker asserted. “With funding, research, and commercialization, we can provide healthcare workers with the tools to combat these dreadful diseases.”
  • NBT employs a process akin to ultrafast gas chromatography, although not identical, a technology typically confined to laboratory settings. Nevertheless, an NBT device’s breath test could be administered by non-medical personnel with minimal training, extending the technology’s applicability to a broad array of locations and scenarios.
  • With further development, an NBT technology device could potentially be available at a cost as low as $29,000, making it an affordable option for countless healthcare and emergency response situations. Additionally, with cloud connectivity, an NBT device could be reprogrammed on-site to screen for new diseases at a moment’s notice.
  • Ancon Medical holds patents for NBT technology in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Ancon Medical is a proud member of LifeScience Alley, a prominent biomedical trade association based in Minnesota.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis GlcB [PAb (192)] TB