Benefits of NBT Disease Screening
The Ancon Medical NBT device offers unparalleled sensitivity and selectivity, setting it apart from other similar breath detection technologies. A significant milestone was achieved in 2012 during tests at the Boulby Underground Laboratory, demonstrating that NBT technology can detect biomarkers down to one ion in 10,000 cubic centimeters. This remarkable sensitivity enables the device to identify even a single molecule.
This heightened sensitivity can be a game-changer, potentially shortening the time span for diagnosis by weeks or even months. This crucial head start empowers healthcare professionals and doctors with a distinct advantage in treating and managing a wide spectrum of diseases, including:
1. Lung Cancer Lung cancer, characterized by a low survival rate, presents a striking example of the benefits of early diagnosis. Studies indicate that with early treatment, 57 percent of patients can survive for more than five years, while only 9 percent survive if treatment commences after symptoms manifest. Presently, lung cancer screening relies on expensive CT scans, and due to the diverse range of at-risk individuals, the costs, equipment, and invasiveness of these tests result in many cases going undiagnosed until symptoms emerge. However, the Ancon Medical NBT device holds the potential to revolutionize this landscape. Mass screenings could enable the detection of lung cancer at significantly earlier stages, leading to prompt treatment that can save lives. Researchers have already identified the lung cancer biomarker, a molecule known as butylated hydroxytoluene, providing the Ancon Medical NBT device with the capability to screen for the disease.
2. Ebola The shocking outbreak of the Ebola virus in 2014 underscores the critical importance of early virus detection to prevent rapid transmission. The unparalleled sensitivity of NBT technology could enable the detection of the Ebola virus within 24 to 72 hours of exposure, even before symptoms appear in the infected individual. Early detection not only provides exposed individuals with more treatment options but is also pivotal in slowing down the virus’s spread. Moreover, the lightweight and user-friendly design of the NBT Device position it as an indispensable tool for facilities worldwide, particularly in underdeveloped countries, where Ebola outbreaks could potentially occur. These facilities include airports, clinics, border crossings, and other relevant sites.
Although the biomarker for the Ebola virus is yet to be identified, Ancon Medical anticipates that this research could conclude in as little as three months. Once the biomarker is pinpointed, Ancon Medical’s NBT Device will become a potent asset for preventing and containing outbreaks.
3. Tuberculosis (TB) Despite being virtually eliminated in developed nations, Tuberculosis remains one of the world’s leading causes of death and a significant healthcare concern in the developing world. TB claims the lives of 1.5 million people annually, with an estimated 3 million cases going undiagnosed. Consequently, disease diagnosis constitutes a central element in the strategy to combat TB, alongside vaccine and medicine distribution. Currently, diagnosing TB is a complex process involving blood tests and chest x-ray examinations, necessitating highly trained medical personnel.
The Ancon Medical NBT device is ideally suited to combat a disease like TB. It enables mass screenings through a straightforward breath test that can be administered by non-medical staff and volunteers, yielding results in less than one hour. The next phase involves further research to identify TB’s biomarker. Its discovery would transform the NBT Device into an indispensable tool for screening for this disease.